When renewal time for your car insurance comes around, it is easy to pay the premium and stick with the same insurer every year. While loyalty is great, especially if you are happy with the service provided by the company, you might be able to save more by switching car insurance.
Shop around. Most auto policies are issued for six months or a year. Ideal times for checking out other carriers and their prices are when you move, when you buy a new car, or a month or two before your policy comes up for renewal.
Here are tips for shopping for new car insurance:
- Compare auto insurance rates to get the best deal. You’ll also want to understand the coverage and protection differences between the policies that you are comparing.
- Ask about details such as the amount of liability protection, bodily injury protection and the kind of coverage provided if you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist.
- Contact your current carrier, you may be surprised to find out they may be willing to fight hard to keep your business. Many companies will try to match or beat a rival’s quote.
- Check with your current carrier to make sure you are receiving all discounts you are eligible for.
- Don’t sign on with another carrier just because they have the lowest rates. There are other important aspects such as total coverage that you will have under the policy, customer service and timely payment of claims.
Follow these steps for a successful switch:
- You want to make sure that there will be no gap in coverage as you change insurers. Don’t cancel your insurance before you have the new policy in place. A lapse in coverage could lead to serious legal and financial challenges for you, especially if you have an accident.
- Don’t forget to cancel your old policy. It is important to notify your company that you are ending your policy and are going with someone else.
- Take care and make a good first impression. If you have an accident, receive a speeding ticket, or file a claim in the first 90 days of a new policy, the company could consider dropping you.
If you would like an auto insurance quote or evaluation of your current policy, contact the agents at Diamond Assurance Group in Birmingham & Cullman Alabama.